An ‘Open meeting’ to relaunch the U3A in Hereford.

Hereford and District University of the Third Age (U3A)

An ‘Open meeting’ to relaunch the U3A in Hereford.

Thursday 2nd September at 10.30 a.m.

St John’s Methodist Church Hall

St Owen’s Street, Hereford

The current chair of the U3A, Mr Jim Dunn, said that, ‘Though some of our groups have been able to continue though the lockdowns, others have not, and we have not been able to hold our monthly talks. So, now we want to restart and introduce even more retired people to the friendliness and learning that the U3A offers.’

The U3A slogan is ‘Learn, laugh and live’. So, if you enjoy: having fun; meeting new friendly people; learning or developing a new skill or activity; exploring your favourite pastime; or being stimulated by a wide range of talks, then come along to St John’s Methodist Church, St Owen’s Street, Hereford, on September 2nd at 10.30 a.m., for our relaunch meeting.

Existing Members have placed great value on their membership.

‘The groups have enabled us to get to know people.’

‘I live on my own, so my U3A membership has been a Godsend’ And a newcomer to the city said, ‘The U3A was a great introduction to life in Hereford.’

Refreshments will be provided.

Disabled access
For further information contact 01432 356653